Countries list by their Average IQ: Which are the smartest countries in the world?

Intelligence quotient, or IQ as we often refer to it, provides a measure of human cognitive abilities in relation to one’s age group. While IQ is by no means a comprehensive assessment of one’s mental prowess or potential, it does offer an intriguing glimpse into intellectual capabilities at a national level. To gauge countries’ intelligence, experts often utilize average national IQ scores. It’s important to note, these scores aren’t static but are subject to a variety of influences ranging from education systems, socio-economic factors, and even nutritional considerations.

From the rich trove of public data detailing average national IQs, we embark on an enlightening journey across the globe, exploring regions that lead the charts and those that fare relatively low. 

Where to test Your IQ

World IQ Ranking provides official online IQ test since 2001.  Check your IQ Score online & Get a lifetime valid certificate. is the world’s leading IQ test website with millions of test experience.  

Click here to start the test: Official Online IQ Test since 2001 – World IQ Ranking

Countries list by their Average IQ

1. Japan Japan 106.48
2. Taiwan Taiwan 106.47
3. Singapore Singapore 105.89
4. Hong Kong Hong Kong 105.37
5. China China 104.10
6. South Korea South Korea 104.00
7. Belarus Belarus 103.60
8. Finland Finland 103.50
9. Liechtenstein Liechtenstein 103.40
10. Germany Germany 103.10
11. Netherlands Netherlands 103.10
12. Estonia Estonia 102.80
13. Luxembourg Luxembourg 102.80
14. Macau Macau 102.30
15. Cambodia Cambodia 102.30
16. Canada Canada 102.00
17. Australia Australia 101.88
18. Hungary Hungary 101.84
19. Switzerland Switzerland 101.65
20. United Kingdom United Kingdom 101.40
21. Greenland Greenland 101.39
22. North Korea North Korea 101.39
23. Slovenia Slovenia 101.39
24. New Zealand New Zealand 101.21
25. Austria Austria 101.19
26. Iceland Iceland 101.17
27. Denmark Denmark 101.17
28. Belgium Belgium 101.02
29. United States United States 100.80
30. Norway Norway 100.60
31. Sweden Sweden 100.42
32. France France 100.39
33. Poland Poland 100.35
34. Slovakia Slovakia 100.32
35. Russia Russia 100.29
36. Lithuania Lithuania 100.09
37. Croatia Croatia 99.75
38. India India 99.64
39. Ireland Ireland 99.60
40. Czech Republic Czech Republic 99.45
41. Latvia Latvia 99.25
42. Italy Italy 99.00
43. Vanuatu Vanuatu 98.80
44. New Caledonia New Caledonia 98.72
45. Spain Spain 98.65
46. Bermuda Bermuda 98.48
47. Cyprus Cyprus 98.11
48. Portugal Portugal 97.86
49. Israel Israel 97.56
50. Barbados Barbados 97.51
51. Malta Malta 97.42
52. Myanmar Myanmar 97.21
53. Mongolia Mongolia 97.14
54. Bulgaria Bulgaria 97.09
55. Greece Greece 97.01
56. Suriname Suriname 96.98
57. Ukraine Ukraine 96.90
58. Moldova Moldova 96.85
59. Serbia Serbia 96.76
60. Vietnam Vietnam 96.53
61. Iraq Iraq 96.38
62. Uzbekistan Uzbekistan 96.01
63. Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 95.89
64. Thailand Thailand 95.87
65. Armenia Armenia 95.82
66. Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina 95.80
67. Costa Rica Costa Rica 95.75
68. Bhutan Bhutan 95.69
69. Chile Chile 95.95
70. Mexico Mexico 95.50
71. Tajikistan Tajikistan 95.41
72. Uruguay Uruguay 95.40
73. Malaysia Malaysia 95.34
74. Brunei Brunei 95.30
75. Bahamas Bahamas 95.28
76. Romania Romania 95.18
77. Turkey Turkey 95.08
78. Argentina Argentina 95.03
79. Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 95.02
80. Mauritius Mauritius 95.00
81. Turkmenistan Turkmenistan 95.00
82. Montenegro Montenegro 95.00
83. Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago 94.97
84. Azerbaijan Azerbaijan 94.95
85. Georgia Georgia 94.83
86. Turks and Caicos Islands Turks and Caicos Islands 94.79
87. Paraguay Paraguay 94.74
88. Fiji Fiji 94.70
89. Solomon Islands Solomon Islands 94.65
90. Samoa Samoa 94.59
91. Kiribati Kiribati 94.46
92. Micronesia Micronesia 94.46
93. Tonga Tonga 94.36
94. Marshall Islands Marshall Islands 94.26
95. Cook Islands Cook Islands 94.14
96. Cuba Cuba 94.09
97. Bahrain Bahrain 94.06
98. Brazil Brazil 94.03
99. Guyana Guyana 94.00
100. Colombia Colombia 93.98
101. Venezuela Venezuela 93.97
102. Cayman Islands Cayman Islands 93.93
103. Afghanistan Afghanistan 93.73
104. Haiti Haiti 93.69
105. Dominican Republic Dominican Republic 93.67
106. United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates 93.65
107. Puerto Rico Puerto Rico 93.59
108. North Macedonia North Macedonia 93.55
109. Albania Albania 93.49
110. Lebanon Lebanon 93.47
111. Philippines Philippines 93.44
112. Peru Peru 93.44
113. Northern Mariana Islands Northern Mariana Islands 93.36
114. Laos Laos 93.25
115. Libya Libya 93.19
116. Qatar Qatar 93.15
117. Jordan Jordan 93.07
118. Maldives Maldives 93.04
119. Iran Iran 93.01
120. Pakistan Pakistan 93.00
121. Grenada Grenada 92.85
122. Tunisia Tunisia 92.75
123. Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan 92.69
124. Panama Panama 92.59
125. Sudan Sudan 92.49
126. Chad Chad 92.47
127. Seychelles Seychelles 92.27
128. Oman Oman 92.17
129. Kuwait Kuwait 92.00
130. Indonesia Indonesia 91.99
131. Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea 91.89
132. Timor Leste Timor Leste 91.79
133. Ecuador Ecuador 91.76
134. Palestine Palestine 91.69
135. Senegal Senegal 91.57
136. Comoros Comoros 91.47
137. Madagascar Madagascar 91.39
138. British Virgin Islands British Virgin Islands 91.29
139. Bolivia Bolivia 91.23
140. Uganda Uganda 91.22
141. Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 91.06
142. Egypt Egypt 91.02
143. Andorra Andorra 90.94
144. Algeria Algeria 90.90
145. Kenya Kenya 90.82
146. Angola Angola 90.81
147. Jamaica Jamaica 90.78
148. Tanzania Tanzania 90.75
149. Syria Syria 90.71
150. Bangladesh Bangladesh 90.83
151. Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 90.81
152. Burkina Faso Burkina Faso 90.70
153. Saint Lucia Saint Lucia 90.68
154. Mozambique Mozambique 90.60
155. Burundi Burundi 90.59
156. Niger Niger 90.52
157. Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda 90.48
158. Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts and Nevis 90.48
159. Rwanda Rwanda 90.45
160. Benin Benin 90.41
161. Malawi Malawi 90.37
162. El Salvador El Salvador 90.33
163. Botswana Botswana 90.35
164. South Africa South Africa 90.27
165. Lesotho Lesotho 90.27
166. Eswatini Eswatini 90.27
167. Eritrea Eritrea 90.27
168. Zambia Zambia 90.23
169. Ethiopia Ethiopia 90.22
170. Djibouti Djibouti 90.21
171. Nigeria Nigeria 90.16
172. Cameroon Cameroon 90.16
173. Somalia Somalia 90.07
174. Morocco Morocco 90.03
175. Namibia Namibia 89.99
176. Dominica Dominica 89.93
177. Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome and Principe 89.92
178. DR Congo DR Congo 89.92
179. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 89.82
180. Republic of the Congo Republic of the Congo 89.77
181. Gabon Gabon 89.77
182. Yemen Yemen 89.76
183. Central African Republic Central African Republic 89.75
184. Belize Belize 89.75
185. Honduras Honduras 89.66
186. Togo Togo 89.63
187. Mali Mali 89.56
188. Mauritania Mauritania 89.56
189. South Sudan South Sudan 89.51
190. Ghana Ghana 89.46
191. Ivory Coast Ivory Coast 89.46
192. Guinea Guinea 89.38
193. Nicaragua Nicaragua 89.29
194. Gambia Gambia 89.08
195. Cape Verde Cape Verde 88.95
196. Guatemala Guatemala 88.72
197. Sierra Leone Sierra Leone 86.07
198. Liberia Liberia 85.07
199. Nepal Nepal 80.99

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